AAG Pre-Conference,
y 24th, 2022,
11 AM-2PM (EST)
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Conference Program
11:00 - Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Dr. Paul O'Keefe ( paul.okeefe@rutgers.edu)
Rutgers University, USA
11:20 - Intersectional Climate Justice: Case of Idu Mishmis in Arunachal Pradesh
Dr. Sneha Krishnan ( skrishnan@jgu.edu.in)
Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability, OP Jindal University, India
11:40 - The Ruins of Recovery: 30 years of "temporary" shelter in post-quake Armenia
Evangeline McGlynn ( emcglynn@berkeley.edu)
University of California Berkeley, USA
12:00 - The Politics of Sustainable Displacement in the Rohingya Refugee Camps
Samira Siddique ( samirasiddique@berkeley.edu)
University of California Berkeley, USA
12:20 - Break
12:30 - Maintaining land and life in Vanuatu: Indigenous alter-natives of recovery following the Manaro eruption on Ambae, Vanuatu.
Foley Pfalzgraf ( foleycp@hawaii.edu)
University of Hawai'i-Mānoa, USA
12:50 - Humanitarian Accountability, Cash Transfers and Technology
Dr. Hanna Ruszczyk ( h.a.ruszczyk@durham.ac.uk) Dr. Lauren Martin ( lauren.martin@durhan.ac.uk)
Durham University, UK
13:10 - Food Regimes, Crisis and Humanitarian Food Networks
Dr. Joshua Lohnes ( jlohnes@mail.wvu.edu)
West Virginia University, USA
13:30 - Break
13:40 - Facilitated Discussion
Dr. Solomon Maingi ( maingi.solomon@unh.edu)
University of New Hampshire, UK
Download the full program of the conference