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You are the change we’ve been waiting for.

The Center for Resilient Communities (CRC) is dedicated to advancing community-engaged research and education programs that generate knowledge and empower individuals, with the goal of building more just, equitable, and vibrant communities in West Virginia, the greater Appalachian region, and beyond. Through long-term commitments and cooperative agreements, the CRC collaborates with students, scholars, and community partners, both locally and globally, to foster transformative change in our communities.

Areas of Inquiry

The CRC pursues work in three distinct "Areas of Inquiry." Collaborators unite to explore a particular problem, conduct research, and generate innovative analyses or potential solutions to advance projects. In this collaborative process community partners, scholars, and/or students actively engage in collective study, action, reflection, consultation, and long-term planning spanning many years, or even decades.

presentation with students

Community Economies and Sustainable Regional Development

Advancing the role of social entrepreneurs, cooperative enterprises and community-oriented financing initiatives in building local wealth and promoting social and economic justice and sustainable development at regional, national, and global levels.

people crossing a river

Environmental Justice, Climate Action and Community Well-being

Advancing social action to address health disparities, environmental hazards, water quality and flood disasters related to past environmental degradation and ongoing climate impacts in WV and Appalachia.                                                  

farming in WV

Food System Transformation                              

Advancing food system resilience at a local, regional, and even global scale by supporting economic cooperation and equitable development, agroecology practices and methods that mitigate climate change and promote food sovereignty.


What do we mean by resilience?

Our use of the term resilience refers to the capacities of a group of people to maintain and even grow their sense of moral purpose and integrity in the face of constantly changing circumstances. Resilience, as both a concept and lived reality, impresses upon us both the need to acknowledge, learn about and understand the traumatic past and present that people and communities are enduring, while also acknowledging the agency, effort, character and legacies of people who have found the courage to create more just, vibrant, communities in this struggle. Building vibrant communities is the aspirational purpose for which we work.


The Center for Resilient Communities Welcomes Eighteen Students to the 2025 Resilient Communities Internship Program

Read More: The Center for Resilient Communities Welcomes Eighteen Students to the 2025 Resilient Communities Internship Program

Arts, Music and Community Change in Appalachia

Read More: Arts, Music and Community Change in Appalachia

Eberly Roundtable - King Coal Screening & Discussion

Read More: Eberly Roundtable - King Coal Screening & Discussion

Letter from the Director: Winter 2023

Read More: Letter from the Director: Winter 2023

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ResilienceLink Hub

Utilizing GIS as a tool for change, the Resiliencelink HUB works as a space to learn, plan, empower, and connect community members toward collaborative social change. Explore, use, and draw inspiration from our comprehensive open data and reports, showcasing resilient communities in West Virginia and beyond.

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